
How To Make Money Through Blogging Part Two



As against the widespread misconception, you don’t make money from people’s mobile Data from your blog, but the new BMC promises a super fast way to kickstart earning on your blog.
You are not expected to plug your accounts details somewhere in your blog or with internet service providers to make money off people’s data,
While there are many methods to make money from a blog, some of them are, 
– Through advertisements placement 
– Sponsored posts and promotions 
– flipping the blog for instant cash
– Selling products and earning Affiliäte commission etc.
Now it’s time to get your own blog,
The following 3 Headings shall wrap it up with a simple way to do everything in less than a few without stress and a higher percentage of success
You’ll be needing the following on your Blog (in my next post on LearnBloggingSeries, I will write about how and where, without much technical knowledge how to setup a blog)
1. The Niche (what your blog is about)
2. The Monetization method 
3. The Traffic (people visiting your blog)
Once you Create or have a blog, you have to choose a niche, say, Tech, Entertainment, Education etc..
Depending on the niche you choose that’s howfar you attract many viewership.
If you offer more of what a lot of people need you shall sure get lots of viewers, right?
it’s not about offering these things randomly, you have to be sure you can pull your own traffic, because there are a lot of bigger blogs before you, we call them authority blogs, 
Authority blogs are blogs that comes to mind immediately internet users seek something, say you want to download a music or movie Waploaded comes to mind immediately.
We are going to be setting up a niche for you with lesser authorities and ease to attract huge traffic.
Now that you have a niche and the BMC program promises a fast way to start earning with already Adsense approved blogs, you’ll be given a list of articles title to write write on— you can use ChatGPT and a spinning tool to make it human written (you will be shown how this is done), 
If you are a busy person and can’t spend a few minutes to get up to 40 posts, you can hire one of our writers to do that for you at an affordable fee.
The Monetization method for your blog would be Google Adsense, it’s known to be one of the best Adnetworks with good CPC,
It means a good adnetwork that offers the publisher (blog owner) the possibility to earn money when people click on ads on their blog and for every click on ads, a certain earnings is sent to blog owners dashboard. CPC – cost per click.
This CPC can range from $0.01 (lowest N7.4) to $2 (N1,480). So the more people visit your blog and find the ads displayed very interesting, the more clicks you get.
The interesting thing is, the more constant your traffic and earnings are, the higher your CPC grows.
This brings us to the next expose! TRAFFIC!!
Traffic is what distinguishes a rich blogger from a poor one.
Imagine if 10 people visits your blog and you earn $1 what do you think will happen when 1,000 people visit it?
Money go flow yafun yafun naaa
Traffic is the oil, just as popularity and Instagram followers is to comedians to be able to charge higher fees for gigs
So, you need traffic and lots of it, 
Traffic that’s targeted towards a high paying niche on your blog.
Sweet thing is, inside the Niche blogging mentorship class, we break down the various methods to get cheap traffic and FINALLY OVERTURN THE MYTH that you can’t start with 2x ROI from little traffic as we install codes to boost the inflow of these traffic.
Remember the word “Super Fast” from the second paragraph above?
We are here for the money right?
What we are doing is, setting up a blog and immediately implementing the templates from the BMC program — same template that can be repeated across multiple blogs for sustainability.
With many students in the previous BMC programs and solving issues experienced, I have further minified the process and made it even more direct, a very serious person with everything required should already be making money on the 7th day.
1. You are sent a short video training explaining the various types of Google Adsense and which is required for the BMC program and thereafter granted Access to our Google Adsense group of over 500 sellers, where you are to buy one of the affordable account.
Note; The Google Adsense account comes with a domain (Blog) we will only restructure and make it ready for the BMC program.
2. Craft a Niche that has influx of traffic and easy to rank + give you a list of related topics to boost your earning potential on your blog.
3. Install premium plugins to rotate evergreen posts to become fresh. This will make you not to spend any more money on new articles again as the plugin will rotate all posts daily for you. We shall give you Lifetime access to this wonderful plugin.
4. Ad code placement plays a huge role on how people land on your website and clicks on Ads. With our never-released-before strategic code placement, you are sure of 2x or 3x of what you earn ordinarily. 
5. Writing articles on the blog yourself (we will show you how to do it, from the titles, writing and spinning them to match), you need just about 40 of them and can be completed in minutes. However, if you can’t we will introduce you to our best writers who will give you human-written articles on your blog.
6. The BMC program comes with access to a WhatsApp group to ask any questions and interact with co-students.
Note: Because the program is straightforward, I will provide unmatched attention in the group for the first 7 days starting from the class kickoff, afterwards I will only answer and take questions.
7. One your blog is setup, we will teach you how to send massive Cheap traffic to your website. Traffic that costs less than what you spend, a strategy where the users will be very active to click on ads because of what they saw earlier.
The above process can be simply summarized as;
– We guide you to Acquire existing blog from our group + Also show you how to setup yours.
– We help restructure and teach you how to get quality articles to the blog 
– We use our code strategy to place ads in the most converting way for you.
– We teach you how to send in traffic to your blog
– You start earning, rinse and repeat and even run multiple blogs.
How cool?
For N100,000 only (other BMC classes costs as high as 400,000 and 300,000)
We brought it down because you may also incur a small cost to purchase a Blog with Adsense already.
Unlike the BMC 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 that I had up to 40 students each, this one might stop at 20 students Only. To allow me to answer person questions and login each blog to setup the code strategy.
Would you like to be among?
Pay the Lifetime (Early Bird) Registration fee of
After payment, send a DM to me with proofs to be added to the WhatsApp immediately.
DISCLAIMER/TERMS: just like every business, there comes it hurdles and risks which will be made known to you in the class and how to avert them.
Some of which are; Adsense Limit, Adsense Ban, FB Ad accounts restrictions, some of them can be easily resolved and some are final.
By paying your ACCEPT that, you are paying for knowledge and everything that the BMC program can control, others not within our power (external factors) could thwart your success but the knowledge remains for life and can be replicated.


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