
How to Write Great Headlines/Post Titles In 2023 For First Time Beginner Bloggers

How to Write Great Headlines/Post Titles In 2023.


Dear bloggers and digital marketers…


Your online income is to a large extent, tied to how compelling your headline and Post titles are.


The more compelling your headline the more it attracts the attention of your audience and compel them to read what you have to say.


So how then do you come up with great headlines and Post titles?


Here’s the fact….


Writing great headlines is dependent on one thing your reader’s state of awareness.



It doesn’t matter whether the headline is to market stuff, or for writing a blog post or running a.ds.


Your headline should start from the awareness level of your readers are at that point, and lead them to where you want them to be.


When we talk of awareness, there are 5 levels of awareness.


1. Product Aware.


If your readers are aware of your product and haven’t been able to get it yet, your headline should start with information regarding that product.


These type of headlines are useful for retargetting and remarketing purposes.


2. Solution Aware.


This is where your readers are aware of the solution they want, but simply don’t know your product is one of the solutions.


In that case, your headline should start with the solution they’re aware of and are actively seeking.


3. Problem Aware.


Your readers know they have a problem, but don’t know there are several forms of solutions to that problem.


In this case, your headline should start with that problem.


4. Unaware


Your audience in this case isn’t even aware they have a problem and they aren’t even actively looking for solutions to it.


A typical example is someone who has mouth odour.


Those who have these problems may not even be aware they have it and so aren’t in the market looking for solutions to it.


In this case, your headline should start with the consequences of having that problem.


In the case of the mouth odour, some of the consequences will be the ability to resolve fights and quarrel once the person speaks…


Or the person’s partner refusing to engage in acts of kissing.


So a typical headline in this case could be something as simple as ‘Is Your Partner Refusing to Kiss You?’


5. Most Aware.


In this case, the readers knows he or she has a problem, knows there are solutions to it, and also knows your product or service is one of the solutions to that problem.


But for a reason, hasn’t gotten around to getting it.


Maybe they’re window shopping on getting the best solution possible. Or they’re contemplating if they can afford it.


In that case, your headline could help put your product/offer in a good light…


Either by comparing the pro and cons of two competing products in relation to yours, or by announcing a bonus, or by displaying social proof, etc.


In all, the goal of a headline is simple: to get the attention of your audience and let them know there’s a benefit waiting for them.


And meeting your readers at the exact point they are at the moment is the fastest way to achieve that goal.


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