Adsense Arbitrage Blogging Vs SEO Blogging, Things To Know.

Adsense Arbitrage Blogging Vs SEO Blogging, Things To Know.

Adsense arbitrage is a legitimate way to earn money through advertising and should not be associated with any unethical or black hat practices.

While Adsense itself cannot penalize your account, the manner in which you carry out your Adsense arbitrage strategy may result in penalties from Adsense.

For instance, Adsense regards traffic generated by messenger bots as invalid, particularly if it includes the bot referral parameter.


Despite the fact that this traffic may originate from a well-targeted audience and lead to an increase in clicks, it will still be deemed invalid by Adsense.

Additionally, buying traffic from pop-up or push notification channels, such as Propeller or Adsterra, to direct it to pages with valuable content and advertisers, is likely to result in the loss of your Adsense account.

Instead of doing that, a better approach would be to use native or in-feed ads traffic for your content distribution.

And, if you have a quality email list or push notification subscribers, that’s even better.

The success of your Adsense arbitrage campaigns will always depend on the quality of your content, the volatility of advertisement, and the placement of ads.

Adsense’s algorithm places ads contextually, based on the correlation between the content and the ads. Creating content around high-demand, high-competition keywords will result in higher CPC and RPMs.

Adsense has recently introduced new policies regarding sub-domains, which merge sub-domain earnings reports with the primary domain, making it difficult to track the conversions of targeted traffic.

To overcome this, create a subfolder and target specific content around it. You can monitor the performance of your campaigns by visiting the report metrics and exploring the “search or filter your data” report with your subfolder domain.

Instead of promoting the same content consistently, switch things up every day. Do not rotate your URL, as this is considered black hat. 

Run ads to a specific category and create multiple variations of your content using your conversion keywords. You can use ChatGPT to generate a lot of content and include optimal keywords in your command prompt.

When scaling your campaigns, be cautious and keep your account under control to avoid limits. One way to control ads limit is to disable auto ads and direct cheap, high-bounce rate traffic to your root directory and place just one Adsense script in the widget section of your site.


You can leverage Pinterest ads for that. The goal is not to monetize this traffic source, but to reduce your overall account CTR.

Adsense bans can come from many reasons and new reasons for account bans emerge every day. To avoid this, test different strategies through split-testing until you find what works best for you.

There is more to adsense arbitrage monetisation. And if you want to join a great community of go getter bloggers, then we officially welcome you to the #TOOMT_Mastery Program.

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