My Two 100 Million Affiliate Blogging Insights Explained!

100 Million Affiliate Blogging Insights: 

How I Successfully Sold Physical Products of Over 100 Million Naira Through Blogging

When I logged in to my affiliate account last year and realized I’ve already crossed $250,000 (N138 Million) in affiliate sales within a few months, I was dumbfounded. 

Although, it certainly wasn’t my first time of making such volume of sales…. however, it was my first time of doing that within few months. 

And the funny thing is….


It was all organic traffic. No running of Ads whatsoever.

Don’t get me wrong…

I’m not against running of Adverts. In fact, running of ads to your blog for quick results is something I endorse and even teach to exclusive members of my blogging club.

However, the truth is… running ads will eat into your profits (or in this case, affiliate commissions).

That’s why my number 1 preference is organic traffic from Google.

And right now, I’m going to share with you some insights that helped me hit such figures in sales. 

1. Write Transactional Posts

Let me explain…

As at last year 2020, over 4 Trillion US dollars was sold online via e-commerce.

What does it mean?

It means that billions of people all over the world are willing to spend money to buy products online.

These products could range from TV to electric kettles and down to automobiles and electric cars.

However, there’s something most people do before making any purchase—they go to Google and search for those items with the intention of knowing which one is the best that they should pay for.

The keywords powering these searches are called Transactional keywords because the person searching for them is in a buying mood and is willing to spend money….

And a post targeted towards these keywords are called Transactional Posts (or money posts).

And it is simply posts like this that I publish regularly on my blog.

The more the posts, the greater the potential of fattening your bank account.

2. Build backlinks

Want your transactional posts to rank high in Google and start churning out cash, you have to build backlinks, especially if you’re in a competitive niche.

A backlink serves as a “vote”.

If your transactional posts gets more backlinks than that of the site ranking higher in Google, the likelihood your posts will overtake that post and start ranking high as well.

However, you have to ensure that you get your backlinks from sites in good neighborhoods, because in the eyes of Google, the words “show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are” are certainly true in many cases.

On these two anchors other strategies to grow your blog and make more money.

If you’re serious about starting a profitable blog, you might want to consider implementing them.

© Vincent Chukwuma

P. S. If you’d like to join my blogging club and learn the steps to implement these strategies, then don’t be shy. Feel free Inbox me at your earliest convenience.

Vincent Chukwuma is a professional blogger and content marketing consultant that have spent the past 14 years in the trenches of marketing. He has spent millions marketing various products online both for himself and others. His new-found hobby lies in helping people become successful marketers, and reap the benefits thereof. 

When he’s not busy on social media dishing out helpful marketing insights that will help people grow their businesses, you can find him at the other side of the internet discussing about politics and engaging people in intense, but respectful political debates.


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